When I look at an old item, I see it painted white.
Our wheelbarrow has had a flat tire and been unused for over a year...
time to fluff it up with some white paint and plants!
I primed it and slapped some paint on my poor wheelbarrow.
(It got SHABBIED! Giggle)
I used a house plant in the center and then added some faux
purple and pink flowers around the house plant.
In the background I propped up an old window.
I like the looks of the shabby wheelbarrow versus the
old black rusty thing flipped over on a wood pile in our backyard.
It has made a home in our backyard next to my tiny shabby porch.
I need to take off the tire, but I'm going to wait and let my hubby help.
Soon there will be grass and hopefully real plants and flowers.
This is in my backyard, I don't live in a fancy neighborhood, so I can get away with "Romantic Country".

Hope you all are having a delightful week, we are
on spring break right now, so I have been doing LOTS of stuff with the kiddos!
I will be sharing this with
Squishy Hugs,