A Romantic Birdfeeder~
We have the lovliest Cardinal couple that feeds in our backyard, so my husband decided to build a birdfeeder for them! They are so sweet to each other, he is always getting food for her and feeding her, they are oh so darling to watch!
I have not been able to snap a picture yet of the two of them but here is a picture of their cool handmade feeder...
Babe built this feeder out of misc
wooden parts of chairs and old furniture we
have collected...
Isn't he a hottie!
He used old tin for the top and old spindly furniture pieces for the sides...

I am so amazed at what a talented builder Babe is...
I am linking up with sweet Cielo for Show off your cottage at
Rory at http://toolsareforwomentoo.blogspot.com/
As always thank you for stopping by and letting me share with you!