Hello lovelies!
I treated myself to a new pair of fuzzy boot slippers from
Wal-Mart ($9) a big splurge, I normally don't spend money on myself.
I have decided this is the best $9 I have spent all year!
Wow, they are super duper cute, comfy, warm and PINK!
They also had slippers style on sale for $4.
Dare I go back and splurge on another pair?
Ladies if you have not bought yourself slippers
I say treat yourself! It is worth it!

Have a beautiful and blessed day!
Squishy hugs,
New Chronic Pain Diary

I treated myself to a new pair of fuzzy boot slippers from
Wal-Mart ($9) a big splurge, I normally don't spend money on myself.

I have decided this is the best $9 I have spent all year!
Wow, they are super duper cute, comfy, warm and PINK!
They also had slippers style on sale for $4.
Dare I go back and splurge on another pair?
Ladies if you have not bought yourself slippers
I say treat yourself! It is worth it!

Squishy hugs,
New Chronic Pain Diary