Friday, January 24, 2014

Romantique Cherubin

 Under the same moon
you hold me in my dreams
how am i yours to keep?
tucking me under your wings
you carry me over the rivers
through the streams
hiding me in the cliffs
i wait ever so patiently
watching the Indians dance
slowly digging my toes in the sand
stirring the dirt
my heart whispers to you
can you hear
old love
how am i yours to keep?
shelter me in the soft moss
under the same moon
away for game
will you come back for me
my soul is weary
the rain is too heavy
wrap me in your wings
only for a moment
i am yours to keep
 ~Olivia P~

I have been blessed to be writing and crafting romantic treasures this week!
Hope you enjoyed your visit!

Partying with 

Hugs and sparkles,

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Photo shoot

Hello my sweet and beautiful friends!
I must tell you I am super excited and nervous....
I have been asked to do a photo shoot at the end of March in my home with my crafty creations!!!!
This is very exciting!
The magazine is Cinemagic! A magazine featuring artisans,vintage classic remade movies, children's ware and much more.
I was blessed to have a feature in their holiday issue.
This week I am back in my studio fluffing up more treasures for my Etsy store!
Marie Antoinette Perfume Bottle
I have been in the mood for French so I will share this poem with you...
Parlez-moi en silence

vous me voyez dans vos rêves

mais je me sens tout à fait

vous tous

ligoté et emmêlés

mains sur mon visage

danser sous mes os

soleil qui flotte à travers cette obscurité

je ferme les yeux à nouveau se sentir

Je prie pour que tu me quittes

mais je mens

Parce que je vous demande en

à chaque fois que

croupissent dans la lucidité

boueux sont ces eaux

je viens de regarder sur

ligoté et embrouillé en vous

étoiles de descendre dans mon


brûler les vignes

les liens qui unissent

pas de mots

Venez à moi que vous êtes


me ramener à la vie

combien de temps dois-je attendre

pour voir votre visage

vous me enveloppez-les dans vos bras
Olivia Parazine
 With much love for you all this week and prayers for it to be a blessed one!



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