Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday!
I am relaxing this morning with a cup of coffee before I start my very busy day! 
This week we have had my husbands father and family visiting for the first time from out of town. What a blessing it has been to have them travel the distance to spend time with us!
 My husband and I both come from divorced parents so as you can imagine there are some tricky situations for all of us. While playing hostess this week I realized something...
as a Christian, God has forgiven me...therefore we must forgive one another.
If we do not forgive, we run the risk of carrying around pain and anger that will overflow out of our hearts dumping bitterness into our lives and the people we love. My prayer is that you may take and dump your troubles to God and be refilled with his love, so that you may water the garden of your life with love, peace and happiness no matter what challenges befall you.

I recently finished the movie Wuthering Heights,by Emily Bronte, what an interesting story that was! I have been on a British Victorian movie kick of late and like most everything I do, I dive in head first! No minimalist here!
As fall approaches look for more pink and white pumpkins gracing my home!
Don't forget to make it fabulous! Grab my Button! Isn't is cute!
Please stop by and visit our darling hostess, Beverly at for more pink goodness! Have a lovely day!
Be blessed and be a blessing!


  1. Lovvvve anything pink. That watering can is gorgeous.

    Thanks for visiting me over at Pittypat paperie and leaving the nice comment about my rooster tassel.

  2. Hi Olivia,
    What a lovely post and you're so right about forgiveness! Harboring unforgiveness can make one sick. It is always best to turn it over to a Big God. Love the pink watering can, your pumpkins, and your sweet rose covered tea set. Happy Pinks.


  3. Happy pink saturday, chickee.

  4. Olivia, Your tea set is so pretty. Your right if we would follow the example of Gods love, forgiveness would come easy for us!!

  5. Hi Olivia!

    Oh, beautiful pinks today! Love that gorgeous gown!!

  6. Hello Olivia,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving such a sweet message.
    Your post today is lovely. Happy Pink Saturday.
    I am signing to follow you and I hope you will stop by again to say hello.


  7. Dear Olivia, what a moving post and of your words are profound and especially for families that have been hurt, forgiving is a wonderful thing.

    Thanks for your kind visit.

    For now,

  8. Olivia, I am new to your blog. It's lovely and very inspiring. Glad I found you.


  9. Olivia~
    What a sweet post; I am very into pink as you know, and I truly feel we would all be a whole lot better if we would just let go. Why is this message so hard for so many people, goodness!
    Thanks for stopping by today; I hope you got my email~

  10. Olivia, Thanks for visiting Homestead Revival™! So nice to have you visit. I see you're a fan of British authors as well. Of course I love Jane Austen, but recently I've enjoyed Elizabeth Gaskell, too. I think Cranford is my favorite!

  11. Forgiveness,,,that's the truth! I love the old movies too! They help me understand the "old-fashioned" writing in the boooks they were based off of!
    Have a wonderful day! Be sure to visit my blog for a great giveaway!

    ***Visit my blog for a GIVEAWAY and new linking party!***

  12. Happy Pink Saturday, Olivia. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special, and for taking part in this day of celebration and thanks.

    There truly are miracles going on all around us every day. We just have to open our hearts in acceptance.

    Thank you for sharing your feelings and experiences with us. We all need to have forgiveness in our hearts.

    I'm still hoping to reach my goal of 200 comments by midnight tonight.


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia