Friday, July 9, 2010

My Shabby Picture Studio!
Hello!  Happy Pink Saturday! 
I just have to share with you my absolute favorite corner in my living room! 
 I have a wicker screen that I painted and rubbed stain over, of course you recognize the lamp. I used a small pillar in the corner and placed the iron candleabra on top with a pretty old shabby veil coming off the back. The window is just propped up with a shabby mirror frame that I painted white propped in front of that! 
My friend Benay came over and snapped some pictures of my little girl in this setting...
Normally, I take the kids portraits in a studio...but just look how beautiful this picture came out! I am so excited that a little ole corner of my living room could produce such a gorgeous photo!!!!Who knew?!
We set the camera on black and white to make it look a little more old fashioned!
 With the camera set on black and white we did not have to be fussy about matching my little girls clothing to the background...(she used her red Christmas dress for these photos)
 I used some of my vintage hats, faux flowers and purses as props! This "studio session" cost me nothing and I was thrilled with how darling the pictures turned out!
Thank you for letting me show and tell you about my Shabby Living Room Corner!
Thank you Cindy at for hosting Show and Tell Friday! A big squishy hugs for Beverly at
Have a lovely and blessed day!


  1. Hi Olivia :) I can certainly see why it's your favorite corner! It's just dreamy! And what a precious and sweet daughter you have; the pictures you took look fabulous! How gorgeous!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  2. Really like that photo shoot.. Just the sweetest......

  3. Yep there is no reasons why you need to go to a photo shoot when you can set up anything yourself having it look great.... your setting with your Daughter turn out lovely Olivia. I really like the iron candelabra, another one of my weaknesses or anything that holds candles for that matter.


  4. Olivia, your pretty corner makes a beautiful setting for your precious little girl! Just lovely! Thanks for sharing it with us.


  5. Olivia,
    I just love this little corner of your Living Room. SO very pretty!!

    The photos of your daughter are lovely!!


  6. It's a great corner!!! Those pics are wonderful but, how could they not be with such a pretty subject (she's beautiful)!

  7. Olivia your little girl is so precious!! What a beautiful photo!! So professional looking!! I love the black and white look! I love the corner too!

  8. Hi Olivia,
    What a gorgeous corner of your living room. Your little one looks darling in this setting. She is such a pretty little girl. I love how you arranged everything and the black and white pics are a favorite of mine.
    Who needs professional pics when you can do this.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.
    So nice to see you.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  9. Your daughter is darling! you will always love these special pictures


  10. Hi Olivia,
    I can see why that corner is a FAV! What a lovely pix of your sweet daughter! She's darling!
    Have a great day!

  11. That shabby background is fabulous! Love the look of it. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. The corner is gorgeous, but your little one would make any spot pretty!

  13. Hi Olivia

    Thanks so much for stopping by The Old Parsonage and your sweet comment. I have to tell you how much I love your blog, I can tell that we'll be fast friends!


  14. Uuuuuhhhhhh, Olivia, did you realize you won the coffee filter roses on the blog the other day?! I've been waiting for you to contact me, sweetpea. Was out of town this past weekend, but home now.


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia