Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Beautiful Day!
I am up early today having a nice cup of coffee, catching up on my bloggey friends and instead of worrying I am praying!
 I also stumbled on a wonderful surprise! Connie over at 
 just informed me that I am a winner of come darling roses, which I am super excited about! If you love pretty in pink swing by and check her out! She is a "sweet chick"!
In case you need an idea for a project, below, I have pictured a vintage planter that I painted up, flipped upside down and hung crystals from! A cheap way to accent! 
This is in my laundry room!
Have an awesome day!


  1. Hi Olivia :) Congratulations on winning some of Connie's sweet hand-made roses!! Love your idea with the vintage planter...looks just fabulous...all chic, shabby & sparkly :)

    Enjoy your day my friend!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  2. Olivia, Congratulations on winning! Your vintage planter is very pretty all glizted up with beading. But what really took my attention is your lovely teacup! How lovely to sip coffee from that! Hope you have a beautiful day.


  3. What a perfect way to start your day; coffee, prayer, and winning a great prize!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  4. Good morning Olivia! Praying instead of worrying is the best medicine!! I need to be on my knees a little more lately...Congrats on winning! I am having coffee and reading blogs myself!

  5. Good Morning Olivia, I hope everything is OK! Nice post and congratulations on your wins.

    Happy Day to You*

  6. Praying definitely works better than worrying, sugar!

    I LOOOOOVE what you did with that little planter turning it into a mini chandelier. I think I'll try and find one to do like it.

    Send address please!!!!!!!!

  7. Congratulations on your winning those beautiful roses. You deserve them!!
    What caught my eye today was your beautiful teacup. I love dainty little teacups. I must have a million. LOL

  8. Great idea!!! I love that! Congrats on the win...that's so exciting!

  9. Lucky you!!Congratulations!!Hugs, Biljana

  10. I love your planter idea - it looks absolutely adorable hanging in your laundry room. We all need something pretty to look at when we're doing the laundry! Ciao, bella!

  11. Hello again! I see that you are a flea market dealer - are you located anywhere near northwestern NJ? I just love, love, love flea markets but don't know where there are any really good ones around where I live in Warren County, NJ.


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia