Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Sweet Dream Bedroom Update!
Good Morning and Happy Blessed Sunday!
After all of my treasure hunting this weekend I then had to find a new home for my goodies! My bedroom is not completely shabbed out, I am trying not to turn it into a pink and white puffy heaven just yet anyway.
The two chairs are an old junkin find repurposed by my sweet friend Sue. I added a table in between the chairs to have something fun to pile goodies on. I was concerned about the metal chairs at the end of the bed, thinking my dear husband would wack his leg on them and he did. He still told me the room looked really good. AWWWW~
My sweet little sign was $1 I used a $2 mirror for a tray and it fit perfect on the little table. The vintage hat $1 and the gloves make me swoon, it is hard to see them but they are cream leather with a soft cutout.
To my glee I found two feather wreaths!  I got them for $2 and then yes I did it again...SQUEAL!!!! My junkin best friend once again had to look around for a table to hide under! LOL
Anyway I decided to use one above my bed...the other one HAS to go into my booth.
I also added a mirror to one side of the room to make it appear larger. The bedspread overlay is $1 tag sale find...I did not know if it would fit, but I think it works! I would love to have the more expensive version but you know me I wait until I can get it cheap!
This is a sweet cabinet my husband built out of old barn wood. The birdcage was an old find for $3 and the mannequin was $15 she was originally in my booth and got broken so I took her home and put my good one in the booth, that is why she is all propped up. The chandelier is really neat, I am waiting for my dear husbands day off to hang it for me! LoL
Junkin Chandelier $5 Yippee I am thinking of painting it white??
A sweet little corner chair coceals a really giant fan we use in the summer and also to help us sleep.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my little bedroom tour~
The scripture for the week I am teaching my kids and I will share with you is
"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want"
Psalm 23:1
Says alot in just a couple of words. My prayer is to trust God with all of my needs, to really know and believe that he is there for me every step of the way. (Many time I try to be the one leading when it should really be God, sigh....)
Well, I hope you all have a beautiful and Blessed day!
Please check back for more shabby goodness!


  1. Olivia,
    This is fantastic!! The 2 chairs and table is exactly what i want to do in my new Guest (B&B) room!! I love it!! The rest of your bedroom is just gorgeous!! I love the chandy!! Can't wait to see it finished and hung! I just know you will do something spectacular with it.

  2. OMG what a find with that chandy!!! I saw one at the Red Door yesterday and they wanted $95, a bit out of my range these days :( And your sign is my second favorite thing!!! Anything girly I buy has to go in my guestroom :) so needless to say it's becoming like a store, LOL

    Have a beautiful Sunday!


  3. Hi, I just love your bedroom and what you have done to it, simply beautiful! Love your blog, can't wait to spend more time visiting and looking at all your posts. Thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a "follower" I really appreciate that. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  4. Hi, I almost forgot to mention:
    "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want"
    Psalm 23:1

    one of my very favorites,

  5. Hello Again, I'm really being forgetful today...sigh....I forgot to mention that I have signed up to follow your blog and would love to be entered to win your teapot giveaway.
    Thank you so much!

  6. Wow that looks so romantic. I simply love the table and chairs. Came out great!!

  7. Your bedroom is so Romantic...I really love those sweet chairs, and that chandelier! Yummy; it will look fabulous painted white. I need to get one of those :)

  8. Hi Olivia. I really like that chandelier and I think it will look great painted white. Thank you so much for visiting me on Pink Saturday and for your sweet comment!

    Susan and Bentley

  9. Your bedroom is luscious. I love it. The chairs are so pretty. What an awesome cabinet your hubby made for you. You've really got some adorable treasures. Love the ruffles on the spread, too.

  10. Oh, and please enter me in the give away. I'm already a follower. Thank you. You are very generous.

  11. Olivia your bedroom is so sweet! I really love the chairs and the table at the end of the bed. If my husband whacked his leg on them thought that would be the end of them sitting there.LOL

  12. So romantic and most beautiful bedroom! So much to see and a feast for the eye!

  13. Hi Olivia! Thanks for stopping by. Your bedroom is adorable and so romantic! I love it!...Christine

  14. Hi Olivia~~so pretty~~fun vintage finds:)
    Happy PS so nice to meet you!!

    Kay Ellen

  15. Olivia~ this room is so sweet and charming!! You did a fabulous job! ~Carrie

  16. Beautiful, Olivia! LOL about the metal chairs...I've had to keep that in mind with my re-do too...nothing like a stubbed toe in the middle of the night to put a damper on this decorating business!
    Great simple and so true.

  17. Olivia! What a great room! it's so full of great finds and treasures! very charming and romantic! and how nice is it that despite hitting himself on the chairs, your hubby still loves the room! he's a keeper! lol

    now get him to hang that chandelier and then it will be a true romance! lol

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina was here!

  18. Love all the pretties! You are so lucky that your hubby will tolerate all the girlie things! I joined you as a follower, I have to see what you do! Thanks for stopping by and commenting about my grand daughter Anya, in her bathing suit. Come back and see me again sometime. Have a blessed week!

  19. Hi Olivia, thank you for visiting my blog.
    I love your house, the style, the furniture...
    I wish my husband would let me bring more things I find on the street, lol.


  20. Why do you always find such great stuff!? ;) Your bedroom looks very romantic. The chairs rock! Thanks for sharing your haven with us.


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia