Saturday, April 24, 2010

Junk Haulin on Pink Saturday!
Good morning! I treasured hunted all day yesterday and I am up with the birds again this morning waiting for a sale to open that has webkinz for my little angels!
A wise friend of mine told me to get the little ones collecting something and they will want to tag sale with you! For us it is webkinz! Yippeee!
Today I will share with you some of the Pink Goodies around my house!
This is a darling pink gingham apron I have on the side of my hoosier cabinet in my kitchen~

A collage of treasure hunting items the pink platter on the left turned out to be really old and I hung it in my living room~
Don't forget about the pretty teapot on the left, it is my April giveaway....sign up to follow and make a ton of comments!
This is a really cool stand up ancient lamp that is outside of my house, it is a darling shade of old pink~
My little pink bunny all ready for spring!
Well tootle LOO I am off to do a little junk haulin treasure hunting! Wish me luck!
Thank you Beverly at for hosting Pink Saturday!
 Check back for more out of control Shabby Goodness!


  1. Happy Pink Saturday. Hope you find some wonderful treasures today. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful finds.

  2. What lovely treasures you have found! I am up early to head out to yard sales too! I wish us both good luck! Welcome to Pink Saturday, love your post and your blog. I'll be back when I can stay longer.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  3. I am off treasure hunting too after I drop my son off at track practice. I love the pink lamp you have outside. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Beautiful treasures! I'm extremely jealous that garage "sailing" has started in your area. Have fun. Happy Pink Saturday!

  5. You have some very nice pink items throughout your home. I love pink and enjoyed seeing how you have used it. Nice job.

  6. Love your pretty pinks. Good luck with your "treasure hunting". Happy Pink Saturday.

  7. Hi Olivia,
    I came by your Pink Post via Connie at Living Beautifully and am so glad I came. Love all of your sweet PINK goodies! Would love to have you stop by too!
    Happy Pink!

  8. Sounds like my kind of day - love junkin! Welcome, and Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. Happy Pink Saturday! Have fun today!
    Hugs -- Betty :)

  10. Sounds like a fun day ahead of you. Love that apron. Welcome to Pink Saturday, maybe you will find some pinks to share next week.

  11. Happy pink Saturday to you too :) Hope you come back today with TONS of wonderful treasures...what fun!!! I am just loving that vintage lamp!! And it's already pink..woo hoo!! Can't beat that!

  12. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Great treasures!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  13. You certainly do have a romantic home! Browsing through your posts it does appear as if you work magic with that paint brush! Such a great way to repurpose these old treasures!

    Happy hunting to you,
    xo Sue

  14. Happy Pink Saturday!

    I adore that old pink lamp - very unique! and that apron is precious!

    I just signed up to be your follower #94.

    Hope to win that teapot - love it!

    Deborah at Miss Bee's Haven

  15. What a pretty blog! I love everything!
    The old pink lamp is fabulous! Happy to
    have found your blog!


  16. Welcome to Pink Saturdays! You certainly have a way with pink! Please come join me soon! Glad you joined us here! Hugs from Anne in Colorful Colorado

  17. What a great selection of pink finds! Thanks for visiting my blog today!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    In Shoes We Trust,
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  18. Oh my goodness! I love love your blog! I am a new follower. How did I not know about you before? I am off to have lunch with my daughter but will be back and read more of your wonderful posts!!! Oh and I do love that teapot!

    Linda @ A La Carte

  19. Happy Pink Saturday!! Have a fun weekend! Winona

  20. Hi Olivia...and welcome,welcome to Pink Saturday. All your pinks are wonderful..and ooo,that apron..and in gingham is even better.
    I'll be back when I can visit longer..Happy Pinks and again, welcome.

  21. Love your sweet bunny!!! Great treasures.

    Happy Pink Saturday!!!


  22. Hi Olivia, I know it's Pink Saturday but I love the green cloche hat! Happy PS~

  23. Oh my goodness, I love the aqua hoosier cabinet that your pretty pink apron is on and the ancient pink light die for!!
    Enjoy Pink Saturday in your lovely romantic home!! xOxO Nerina

  24. Hello Olivia; Welcome to Pink Saturday......
    OOOOOOOOO!!!! you have so very yummy Pink Pretties in your home..I think I am in love with them,,, what a wonderful give a way gift you are doing,,,,, Have fun with your treasure hunting,,,, Happy Pink Saturday

    Pink Hugs;

  25. You have some great pink treasures.

  26. Such gorgeous finds. Happy Pink Saturday,

    Leeann x

  27. Oliva all your treasures are beautiful. I saw a platter just like yours at yard sale today and they were selling it for 60.00.!! Way too much for to pay for a platter.

  28. What lovely pinks Olivia! Welcome to PS!


  29. What sweet finds! Everything on your blog is so pretty! So nice stopping by!

    Kindly, ldh

  30. a beautiful blog. I hope you enjoy your pink saturday and that you find some wonderful treasures. Hugs Sara

  31. Sounds like a great trip to me - you really have The Eye! I've no idea what a Hoosier cupboard is, historically speaking, but it certainly looks good.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  32. I love junk haulin, I mean treasure hunting too, Cant wait for Saturdays. TOday I found a vanity from the 30's ,,cant wait to REDUE it all up in a new coat of white...
    Thanks for sharing,and Happy Pink Saturday

  33. Oh my goodness, your pinks are sooo cute. I love the pictures of your house...could it be any cuter?
    I will be following you and thank you for your lovely comments today.
    Enjoy, Dana

  34. Good luck with treasure huntin' today!
    And of course- Happy Pink Saturday.
    Sparkly Hugs,
    Tobi and the Pixies!

  35. Great pink treasures you have found. Hope you have more luck today. The platter is beautiful and the teapot is fabulous...

  36. What wonderful pink goodies you have shared with us today!! What a lovely blog you have!!HPS!!

  37. WOW, you got a lot of comments, Olivia my sweets! LOL I love the pink checked apron. I'll have to make one.

  38. Oh, my, I LOVE it all, but especially that standup lamp!!!

    Thank you so much for stopping by today! I need to play catchup on my Pink Saturday visits as I was out shopping all day!!


  39. Olivia, welcome to Pink Saturday! Thanks for sharing your treasures. Hope you found some more on today's hunt.

  40. Wonderful pinks! My you found some neat things! No sales here this weekend! though with only 4,000 people you don't see alot of sales!

  41. Happy Pink Saturday! Thanks for stopping by, and your nice comments. Please put my name in for the teapot. You can tell I love teapots!
    Have a great week.

  42. Hello Olivia,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments. I love your house. We have a lot in common. I so love pink but live with it in moderation as I could probably go crazy with it if I was let loose. In fact I love your pink laundry room. Maybe I could paint mine pink.... hmmmmm. I hope you had a great day looking for treasures. Also loved your booth. I think I'm going to have to move to the midwest. You gals certainly know how to treasure hunt.
    {{HUGS}} Amanda

  43. Oh, you have some beautiful finds! I wish I was treasure hunting with you! I think I am the only one in my neck of the woods (that I know of) who likes to take my time doing that. We would have a blast! Please throw my name in the teapot pot also. Sure can't hurt to try! (:

  44. Love the treasure hunting too. My sis and I went out yesterday to an estate sale and found a few really neat items. Your little orange tabby looks just like Carmel who adopted me last August. Loved visiting you this week and I had so much fun browsing your site I will be featuring next week for Bev's challenge!

    Please come by for a visit and help me reach my blogging goals of 100 by June (I just started in February and am almost halfway there!) I also have a $25 gift card for my visitors this week for my PINK BUBBLE!

    Have a wonderfully Pink weekend!


  45. I love the rose teapot! I'm tea
    Bless you!

  46. Thank you for stopping in for Tea Time Tuesday! I do love your blog too! I read the post above about your bedroom love it! Love those gloves! Wish I can find some. lol Take the teapot add it to your table at the end of your be with your hat and gloves and join me for Tea Time Tuesday. I adore your Hoosier, I have one too. Love all your wonderful finds!

  47. Olivia, I love the pinks you chose to share with us on Pink Saturday. They are lovely. I hope you are having a fabulous day. Blessings...Mary

  48. Happy Pink Saturday, Olivia. I am so glad you decided to participate. And, I apologize for being so late to visit, but I'm still trying.

    And, I love all of your fun and pretty pinks that you shared with us.


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia