Saturday, December 21, 2013

My Shabby Chic Pink Christmas Home Tour

 Hello Lovelies!
This week I am sharing my Shabby Chic Christmas Home!
This is actually a repost from last year as this year I have not had time to take new perfect pictures!
As you all know, I just adore Christmas!
This is my living room tree where I put up a vintage style white Christmas tree with pretty gold, pink and white ornaments!

 I love how this years tree turned out! 
I added a pink and white flocked poinsettia topper with the prettiest bridal lace and soft pink tails coming down the fronts and sides! 
In the center I gathered the tails and added more bows to give it that extra razzle dazzle!
I am also in heaven over the moon for my darling ruffled tree skirt, made by Rhoada's Ruffles on Etsy.
Click here for the link to her Etsy store, Rhoadasruffles!
Here is the closeup of my tree topper!!!
Lots of fluff, flowers and my sweet sparkling bird in her perch!
 I also Shabbydazzled up my mantle this year....
...and then hung the stockings by the chimney with care!
Of course I had to add some gorgeous trims and bows to my stockings!
For my dining room I used a pretty pink tree trimmed in the tulle from my bridal petticoat!
Ooohhh la la!
This is my Thanksgiving day table! I will have new pictures for Christmas dinner!
I host both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, so during the Holidays I have a house full!
In my cottage kitchen I used some Sugarplum colors!
This is a smaller Princess angel tree in my living room!
I am in love with cherubs this year!!!
A pretty vignette in my living room!
 ~~~Angel Kisses~~~

 Tussie Mussies and Lollipops!
 Wishing you a very Merry Pink Christmas!
I cannot tell you how blessed I am to be able to decorate and create beauty in my home!
My cup runs over with blessings!
Thank you for stopping by my Holiday Home Tour!
I will be posting more gorgeous Holiday Homes soon!
Stay tuned!
This week I am partying with 


Big squishy Hugs,


  1. Hi Olivia,
    I just love your pinks for Christmas. I am also a pink lover. Does your husband (or your boys ever )complain? My two husband, two sons and daughter have accepted that my Christmas tree is always going to be covered with pink. I am also very Blessed! Thank you for sharing such beauty! Have a very Merry Christmas and healthy 2014! Karen

  2. Oops! I only have one husband! Lol!! Karen

  3. How charming and exquisitely beautiful! I'm absolutely captivated by all the beautiful of everything, and have even copied a few of your pictures, to paste into WORD so that I can look again in an instant.

    Your home looks as if you live in the most elegant dollhouse, with no need for laundry or sweeping, and you eat only bonbons and cake. Don't we all wish for such elegant, effortlessly maintained surrounding?

    I know you'll enjoy all this loveliness during the holidays, and I wish you the most wonderful Christmas,


  4. Oh...every decor is so pretty and pink! Your trees are just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing these dreamy, fairy and romantic pictures of your home. Merry Christmas to you and your family

  5. Your pink Christmas is always so pretty! I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas :)

  6. thanks for sharing your gorgeous Christmas home.Blessings,Aneglina


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia