Saturday, May 12, 2012

How to create a Secret Garden

Hello lovelies!
This is my darling baby girl creating in her Secret Garden.
My backyard has an interesting landscape, full of cedar trees, lava rock and some flat spots.
It is not in my tiny budget to pour massive amounts of dirt to flatten it out and plant grass.
Long ago, I decided to create with what I had.
I made this tiny spot for my wee one nestled underneath a shady tree.

Materials to create a Secret Garden:
Inexpensive table and chair
Pretty Statue
Pickle Jar to fill with fresh or faux flowers
Pea Gravel
A Shady Tree
Books and drawing supplies
Now, turn on your imagination and find a little relaxing safe spot in your back yard.
Gather your secret garden supplies and your little one if you have one to help with this project.
I found the little girl statue in my neighbors junk pile.
She was broken and Mr. Romantic laughed at me.
I glued her back together with E-6000 glue and stuffed her full of flowers that I could not kill.
I found pea gravel in the abandoned lot across from us and used a bit of mulch to make it pretty.
A pickle jar is a suitable vase for an outside Secret Garden.
Stuff it full of seasonal blooms from your garden or faux flowers.
 Let your little one help you choose where everything should go.
Let them know that this is their secret garden to create in.
Tag sales, thrift stores and junk piles are the perfect place to find goodies for your Secret Garden.
I found the little table on the back dock for free at my favorite resale shop.
An old shabby pillowcase makes it magical.
We also have fairies that visit our secret garden, but you have to use your imagination to see them.
My darling baby girl is graduating from pre-school this year.
It tugs at my heart that there will be a day when a Secret Garden will fade and big girl things will be more interesting....
Happy Mother's Day to all of my beautiful friends!

I will be sharing this with
My Romantic Home
Pink Saturday

Big Squishy Hugs,


  1. Olivia,How perfect!Such a lovely Mothers Day post.Enjoy every moment with your sweet sparkly fairy.

  2. Olivia- I love it-I think every child should have a Secret Garden. Love yours! Happy Mother's Day! xo Diana
    ps. We have LOTS of fairies in our gsrden- xo Diana

    1. Hi sweet diana! I bet you have beautiful fairies! Xo

  3. Hello Olivia,
    What a great idea for a secret garden, I love it!!
    Happy Mothers Day my sweet friend!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  4. This is just lovely and such a special place for sweet little girls!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Precious post today, Olivia! But the most sacred and precious item in that entire sweet secret garden is the adorable lil girl in the pic!!! Happy Mother;s Day!

    Big TX Hugs,

  6. Your daughter is adorable and I can see how she must love her secret garden. Happy Mothers Day. Hugs...Lu

  7. Sweet Olivia, your little girl is precious!! I made a little girls dress. I took a picture of it today and sent the picture via text message to my son and daughter in law and told them to get busy.........LOL.

  8. Happy Mother's Day. It would be wonderful to be a part of Seasonal Sundays. You might be interested in my $100.00 Give Away.

    - The Tablescaper

  9. Oh, she is so cute. Makes me miss when my babies were younger!

  10. What a sweet little garden Olivia! I always love how you work with your budget, and imagination to make you house a home, loving, and cozy for your family. I was blessed with 3 lovely daughters, and they grew up way too fast!


  11. How precious! Lovely pictures!


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia