Saturday, March 19, 2011

Reaaranging Furniture

Yesterday, I rearranged my living room wall. I moved the sofa table behind the coach to the far wall and added light pink shutters to my shabby shutter shelf creation.
  Next, I painted the inside of my faux fireplace white.
 I found an antique table ($5) that flips up and down this weekend at a tag sale.
I painted it white and I would love to add a beautiful shabby floral applique to the center.
While I had the white paint out I shabbied the wall sconces. I am on the look out for a set of 4 matching shabby mini lamp shades to add to the top.
My husband works long hours. Yesterday, I saw him for about 20 minutes.
When I am home with the kids I play with them and paint in between housework. Rearranging and painting furniture helps me stay sane.
 I snapped these pictures yesterday to see how everything looked. I was not planning to use them, but my excitement got the best of me.

I also wanted to share with you my dear mother in law has opened an etsy shop with beautiful hand painted Shabby Chic signs. She has an amazing God given talent her work is just gorgeous!
Hand Lettered with Love (click here to visit her shop)
Happy Pink Saturday my sweet Shabby lovin pink friends!
Squishy hugs,


  1. Oh, it's all so beautiful! I "get" the keeping oneself sane in between being a wife, mom, etc. So many projects, so little time! Your room re-do is lovely! Glad you are posting again. Your MIL's sign is stunning. I will be sure to visit her shop!
    Happy PS

  2. Everything looks beautiful!!! I think I'm ready to rearrange.....again. When I have too much time on my hands.....the house will be re-done!!!

  3. your home is soooooo beautiful!!! and you are right!!! talented!!!

  4. Happy Pink Saturday from Southern California.
    I'm all about the shabby chic.


  5. Everything looks beautiful Olivia ~ I wish I could do some re-arranging in our living room, but where we have our faux fireplace, and BIG tv, there really isn't much I can do :( I'm one of those person's who LOVES to rearrange, and it's driving me crazy not to be able to do anything in that room, LOL :)

    Wishing you a great weekend sweet friend!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  6. You are a busy gal! Wanna come over and help me re-arrange my living room?! I have a few piecs of furniture that needs painting too! I'll watch the kids!
    It looks great!

  7. You did a wonderful job! I love those darling little pink shutters. You are more than welcome to come help me rearrange my living room!

    Loved your mother in-laws signs. I know she will have those flying out the door in no time!

    Deanna :D

  8. Olivia,
    Sounds like you were on a painting frenzy but everything came out so beautiful!
    That table was a steal for that price and I pictured beautiful pink roses painted on it before you even mentioned about putting something on the top/front of the table. I do adore your fireplace and your MIL is so talented!!

    Have a good weekend, my friend!!


  9. Olivia, your living room is beautiful!!

  10. Your home is lovely and your mil is so talented. Very pretty.

  11. Looks like you've been having some fun at home, rearranging things! Everything looks absolutely beautiful! Love those pretty pink shutters; they're a great addition to that vignette. Must be hard to have hubby working such long hours but would make your time together so appreciated. Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. Oh my goodness, I just added your mil shop to my favorites this morning! I love so many things she has! Your home is so beautiful, you have such an eye for putting things together. Love how soft and romantic everything is. The pink shutters look so cute with your screen shelf! Perfect :) I love that table you found too and I think it would be beautiful with a rose in the center. I am sorry you dont see your hubby more :( Mine works a lot too and it is hard to be apart for so long. Thank you so much for visiting me today, I always love your comments!

  13. Hi,

    Very creative vignette with the shutters. Love the pink.

    Please visit too.

    Graciously. monah

  14. Oh you have such à romantic and beautiful shabby chic Style home, I wish you à lovely day, I Will have My Italian fashion guestblogger posts today, welcome to visit:) //Marie

  15. I adore your shabby chic decorations.
    Joyce M



  17. Your house is gorgeous, $5 for that table, what a deal your Mother in laws art would look lovely on it!! I love the shutter shelf, I am going to have to use that one!!


  18. Lovely Olivia! Everything looks so pretty!

  19. Hi Olivia, everything looks so pretty in here. Your home is both warm and very inviting. I am still making my rounds this week.
    Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  20. Hi Olivia,
    Oh your home is so beautiful!! I love all the pink and white! It's so dreamy.

  21. Looks like you had a happy day re-arranging. I used to do it all the time and from time to tome still slide things around or just move things a little just for a change. Love that you painted the fireplace white. Your MIL's roses are beautiful. I wish I could paint roses. Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful week Olivia.

  22. Your home is very romantic ... you have a beautiful sense of style.

  23. I definitely understand having to have an outlet to "stay sane!" I have my website to help me in the same way! Dear Bebe is a joy to be with but having an adult hobby is a joy as well.

    Your MIL is amazing! Love those signs. She should do very well!

  24. Thank you so much for commenting on my pink kitchen scale. I LOVE your pink shutters. I am your latest follower, I need to see what beautiful thing you will post next :)

  25. beautiful post. I am jealous of your crafty MIL also. Have a happy pink week.


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia