Friday, September 3, 2010

Oh La La Pretty in Pink...Plus Chocolate!

Oh my heavens, Chocolate and Pinks who can resist!
That's right, I baked up some delicious double fudge chocolate chip cupcakes to celebrate Pink Saturday! Yum!
I was also in the mood to whip up some pretty in pink treasures and look what I came up with...
this adorable vintage dolly we named Rose~
 In case you thought pink pumpkins only exsist in fairytales, welcome to my fairyland powder room! 
That's right I have one bathroom dedicated to my favorite color...PINK!
I also needed something in my powder room to hold my fresh linens so I crafted up this darling little basket...
 A lovely pink lady planter...
Well, I hope you have a lovely day and Happy Pink Saturday to all of you pretty in pink lovers, please stop by and visit our lovely host Beverly at How Sweet the Sound
for more pink goodies!
Squishy Hugs,


  1. Hi Olivia: What a beautiful bathroom you have. I love all the pretty pink goodies. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Martha

  2. Olivia your powder room is just dreamy!! For my hubby I had to down play the pink some in my house. It was cramping his style.......LOL. But I still love all the fluff and ruffles!! You always do such a good job shabbying up your beautiful home.

  3. Hi Olivia,
    I could enjoy a cupcake with my Tea this afternoon. They look yummy!
    I love your pink bathroom perhaps mine needs a makeover.
    Drop by and say Hello to my new blog and join my first 'Giveaway' I would love to see you!

  4. Love all your goodies! ! I'm in love with that powder room! ! I would take even longer to get ready to go somewhere lol! !! Huggss Stephanie

  5. Hi Olivia!
    Thank you for posting a sweet comment on my blog! I love new visitors! I have now checked out your blog and I must say that you are very talented! I loved your vintage window "haul"!! How great!
    I will keep stopping by and seeing your creations!

  6. Olivia,
    What wonderful pinks you have shared with us today!!
    I wanted to tell you that I adore the pink pumpkins that you painted on a window a few posts back!! Stunning!!
    Are you still having trouble following new blogs??


  7. I love all the pink!!

    Olivia, your home needs to be in a magazine!


  8. Your powder room looks so pretty! Happy PS

  9. Love all your pretty pinks..
    The powder room is awesome...
    xo bj

  10. I love that bathroom. I keep looking at it so I can copy you !!


  11. Such a romantic and pretty bath! Happy PS!

  12. Oh, my goodness... I love everything!
    The basket is just to die for!
    Looks beautiful!

  13. G'day Olivia ~ The cupcakes look deelish ... &all those pretty pinks you are surrounded by, lucky you.
    Have a beautiful & safe holiday weekend.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  14. Hello, my friend,
    Ms. Rose is very pretty. I love how you frou froued her!!! I would love to taste one of your delicious chocolate cupcakes, my personal favorites. You did a beautiful job on your pretty linen basket. Love, love your girly bathroom, everything so charming and inviting. Thank you for dropping by for a visit and for your kind comments always. Happy September to you~Vicki

  15. Love your beautiful bathroom! So many pretty pinks!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. Well in response to your post. We have a recycling center for large items like windows, doors..scrap metal like old BBQ's...but inside we have a small shop that you can drop anything off to...and people can take what they want and leave what they want. I also without sounding like a snob live in a wealthy small when the older folks pass on their children don't have a clue what they are throwing away. Thats what I figure anyway. Who knows why but I am getting amazing finds. I just drop by there on Wednesday and Saturday..sometimes Sunday. You should see if your town has one! As for my Etsy cups..if you ever want those I will give you a huge deal since you are so sweet to me..half off for you anytime! Take Care Olivia and I am still drooling over your home!

  17. Olivia, I am going to paint some pumpkins pink, I just don't like orange and thought I would just skip fall decor and wait for Christmas, but I am going to go with pink pumpkins! I love your shower curtain!


  18. Thank you for your visit
    I love the side to:)!

  19. Your powder room is "sweet" and SO "Pretty"... LOVE it!!! AHHHH and "Chocolate" it looks fantastic with a touch of PINK!!!
    I'm your newest follower, I Hope you choose to follow me too, I LOVE followers!!!
    Hugs to you, Donna

  20. Hi Olivia
    Love all your Pink Pretties. I have a white Buffet just like yours, I got it at an estate sale and I painted it white.
    Have a great week
    marian elizabeth

  21. Hi Olivia: Thank you so much for welcoming me to my first Pink Saturday! I am an avid follower of your blog. Your powder room is lovely - as is the rest of your home. Enjoy your weekend.


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia