Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thursday August 18, 2010
Shabby Pink Pumpkins!
That's right I am ready for FALL!
I love traditional colors...but...for my home Pink Pumpkins appear everywhere!
Yesterday, I did some junk haulin treasure hunting and purchased a whole van full of vintage windows...
 That's right, I filled up my van with a ton of old windows at an AMAZING DEAL(less than $1 each)!
This morning I panicked...what in the world am I going to do with all of these windows??? 
Sooooo, I whipped out my paints and brushes and hand painted pumpkins and flowers on TWO of them. One in traditional colors and the other in Shabby Pink Pumpkin colors!!!
 Listen, I am not a "fabulous artist" but I love to paint and decorate!
Clean your window, find some pretty paints, use stencils if you like (I did on the top). Use lots of color and blending! 
Most importantly HAVE FUN!
 Who can resist a little pink during the fall...
I moved my "desk" to the end of the hall and decided to add my little stool and Shabby Pink Pumpkin window...
what do you think?
I am not sure this is where it will stay but it does fit nicely!
Check back for more amazing fun DIY projects! 
I will be partying at the Shabby Chic cottage and Tell Friday with the lovely Cindy
the darling Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday
 Have a lovely and blessed week!


  1. I think you did a great job! I have a couple of pink windows ... do I dare? :0)

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  2. Ooooh my gosh, how pretty, sweetpea!!! A dollar each??? Deal of the week I'd say. I wish I could find things like that, but then again, what would I do with them? Darling for you and your painting though.

  3. LOVE
    your pretty pink pumpkins and roses!!!
    Amazing deal on the windows! You are a great painter...
    deb :)

  4. Olivia , you did such a good job!! I love it!!

  5. Wow!!!!!!!!!!
    Look at all those windows!
    Great deal!
    LOVE the PINK pumpkins!!!!!!

    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  6. Oh my word... that is just beautiful!!!!!!!!!! So whimsical and unique!!! I think your a wonderful artist!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  7. Hi thanks for popping by... and I love that fall (Autumn in the UK) window design... what a fabulous design.. have you used a permanant paint? or can you wash it off and do another seasonal design? I am sorely tempted... us Brits are so "BoRiNg" that we hardly decorate for anything... I love decorating for halloween... in fact I think I might make it a whole week of decorations this year ... people who do decorate only do it for the one night... how dreary is that! lol

    love your blog

    can't wait to see your next treasure!

    x Alex

  8. ONE dollar????! Why does this NEVER happen to me? So cute!

  9. Your windows were a steal of a deal and your pink pumkins are stunning! You certainly can paint.

  10. Olivia, a girl after my own heart, lets make all holidays pink!! You are an artist! I would have a heart attack if I found vintage windows for less than a dollar!!! it's a good day


  11. I love your window,,, with the pink pumpkins,,,you did an amazing job.... you paint beautifully... too. perfect spot for it too.


  12. Great find and your painting is beautiful. I love it with your desk.

  13. What do I think, Olivia? I think you are a very talented artist. Great job! Susan

  14. Pink pumpkins...I love it!!! We're allowed to have pink pumpkins in our little shabby world:)

    I seriously can't believe you got the windows at such a low, low, low price...that's amazing!

  15. Wow, Wow Olivia, looks so beautiful and pretty, bravo, I love it:)))
    Hugs, Biljana

  16. Looks fab! And great deal on the windows!!!


  17. I have never seen pink pumpkins before, and I must say I adore them! I absolutely love your painted window! And I had to do a double take on the price you paid per window! Wow, lucky you! I have an old window my mom gave me many months ago, that I just need to take the time for. It has six panes, and I plan on adding Redoute rose prints to each pane. The prints are from a Redoute rose book I found for only $1!
    Thanks for sharing!

  18. Oh, the pink pumpkins are just wonderful!
    Thank you for sharing!

  19. Olivia, you my dear are definetly a great artist..Love it...xx

  20. Hi Olivia!
    Sorry to take so long getting back to you! You asked me what I had up my sleeve so here goes...
    I took a leap last week and gave my notice as my job as secretary for our church. I know people will think this is a ridiculous thing to do in this economy, but I've felt lead to follow my passions and dreams and find a way to work that into s little jingle in my pocket. I'm not getting any younger and there's no time like the present. I'm going to put more time, energy, and creativity into my dealer spot at the Wrentham Country Store and see how I can grow that, plus I'm planning on opening an Etsy shop in the future as well. I'm so excited! I may pick up a few hours a week at a local retail shop, just to help in the interim, but I'm excited to see where this will go if I'm doing what I LOVE!! As I told you, God gives us passions and dreams for a reason. Say a prayer for me....
    Blessings and Hugs,

  21. Hi Oliva, The pumkin painting looks great! And to find all the windows for another project was a great find. Thanks for stopping by....Julian

  22. That's a new one for us pink lovers -pink pumpkins!

  23. How pretty, Olivia! Give me pink pumpkins anyday! You did a lovely job and very unique too. Happy Pinks!


  24. Olivia, now THAT is just adorable! I've got a few pink and white pumpkins that a friend stitched for I'm thinking how cute a pink window full of pumpkins would be!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  25. That window is great, you did it yourself too. Oh my gosh I love it. Keep creating, you do a good job.

  26. never thought of a pink pumpkin, but why not. You did a great job. Have fun with all your windows.

  27. old windows? less than $1 each? I would have loaded up my car too! What a great score!!!


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia