Thursday, July 1, 2010

Shabby Rose Dreamin...
As a stay at home wife and mother I know that this is the most important job in my life right now and I am thankful a million times over for all of my blessings!
 As much as I love my beautiful life, I realize that if I am not careful I can easily lose touch with "me" admist making sure my family is loved, happy and well cared for.
 I would like to show and tell you about one of my dreams. I absolutely looovvvve the Romantic Country (Homes) style and magazine! I have my magazines stationed everywhere in my house and I am not kidding you... a stash in my living room, office area, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, purse, car anywhere I might have a quick couple of minutes to cruise around and get ideas...

 When a new issue comes out I read it over and over and then carry it around with me everywhere like it is my "blankey", giggle.  I asked my husband to pick up an issue for me at Wallgreens...he came home with the wrong magazine and said the new Romantic Country was not out yet. My sweet hubby is amazing but not really at finding things, I have to help him and the kids find everything. So naturally, I went back to Wallgreens to find Romantic Country and lo and behold there was the brand spanking new issue just waiting for me!!!! I seriously convinced the lady to let me exchange the magazine. She did! Whoo hoo!

I am such a cheapo, but when it comes to this magazine ($8) I bite the bullet and splurge on one every month,  (when I find them at garage sales or thrift stores I go crazy with delight!)

My grown up mommy dream would be to style or write for one of my favorite magazines. 

I know what you are thinking (LONG SHOT) but really, might as well shoot for the moon even if I miss I have a chance of landing amidst the stars and that would be allright with me! Right now I am going to continue enjoying my life as a wife and mother! Thanks for stopping by to do a little Shabby Rose Dreaming with me! Thank you to Cindy at for hosting Show and Tell Friday! A special thank you to Beverly at for hosting Pink Saturday!
The biggest thanks goes out to the American Soldiers for dying for our freedom! We salute and honor you for your courage and strength in all you do!
God Bless the United States of America!



  1. What a great story and so true. We can't lose ourselves outside of our family! You have made your home just beautiful and I just read your wedding post. Congratulations on your blended family and finding "the one" amongst so many bad ones!! I feel the same way about my guy!!

  2. Oh Girl I love that magazine's my all time favorite thing to get it in the mail and spend hours drooling over it...I save each and every issue also...I need to thin some of mine out as their are taking over my home ha ha!!
    Hope you have a safe and GREAT fourth my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  3. Olivia, No dream is a long shot!! It is always achievable!! Its the persistence and drive behind the dream. It may take several attempts to get it to be the success you want........but you will. So I say go for your dream!!

  4. Hi Olivia,
    I always enjoy dropping by and visiting you and your sweet, romantic home !! Soo FuN !! I have to laugh about the way you are with that magazine .. I AM EXACTLY the same way !! I subscribe to it, soo when it comes, I RuN to get it, NeVer set it to far from mee .. LoVe to just pick up in a moment and browse through again, and again .. And, than, when I go to the grocery store, I get another, so I always have two copies to find, one to keep forever pretty, and the other gets really used, floppy eared .. (much loved) Those magazines are like our escapes !! Thanks for sharing such sweetness, and hoping your day is just a glorious one ~
    HuGs ~TeA~ xo

  5. Isn't that the most incredible magazine this issue, sugar?! Ooooh, I just sat and looked at it, put it down, came back and looked again, and over and over. It just made me feel so peaceful, chick. I love it.

    I suspect that you're doing fine as a wife, mom and child of God. :-)


  6. Hi Olivia :) Romantic Country is my favorite magazine! I like it much more than I do Romantic Homes. I Have a subscription to Romantic country, and also to Romantic Homes (but I won't be renewing that one). I just wish that RC came out once a month instead of every 3 months....that's too long to wait! I too am constantly looking thru it, admiring the gorgeous homes and getting lots of inspiration to decorate my own home with :)

    Hope you have a wonderful & safe 4th of July weekend!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  7. Olivia... I carry magazines also and I have old issues everywhere but have decided to go throuogh and tear pages out and keep special pages all in one spot for use... Never give up on a dream... Dreams do come true... Have a lovely Fourth....

  8. Olivia I have so enjoyed reading through your blog. Enjoy the Summer fun with the children and stop and take a peek at those magazines every day!

  9. Olivia, we sound sooo much alike! My magazines are MY blankie, too. I have taken my sweet mother to lots of dr. appts. lately and I always take my OWN magazine with me to look thru while I wait. I've got the new RC issue to cuddle up with when I tuck in tonight!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  10. Hi Olivia! I happened upon your blog yesterday, and I'm sooo happy I did!!! Your blog, home, and ideas are just beautiful girl!! Love your creativity, and omigosh I loved looking at your booth. Do you sell things also on ebay, etsy, or a website? If so, sign me up! (giggle) I agree about Romantic Country...hands down best magazine ever. I was thrilled when they offered subscriptions so I didn't have to hunt for it anymore. I'm definitely a follower and fan of your blog now! Keep up the great work! Stop by my brand new blog when you have a chance...
    Talk soon,

  11. Olivia,
    Romantic Country is my favorite magazine out right now!! I have a subscription so I hound the mailman when i know the new issue should be coming!!
    There used to be so many other good Magazines out there but for right now this is my favorite. I do like the Cottage Style ones, Country Almanac isn't too bad and of course the yearly Country Victorian. I have tons and tons of back issues of magazines. I can't ever part with them!!


  12. Hi Olivia

    Just popping by to say thanks for visiting The Old Parsonage and leaving you sweet comment. I must say that I love your style my friend! Just signed up to be your newest follower!

    Happy 4th!

  13. Olivia, thank you for stopping by. I was thrilled to find a romantic yet patriotic 4th of July plate! I love Romantic Country! Sometimes I don't even read it for a day or 2 because then it will be all over, write for the magazine, you can do anything you want!


  14. I can definitely see why you and Connie would be eBFFs! You both have the same lovely taste.


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia