Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sweet Cardinal Couple~
My last post was about this super cool birdfeeder Babe built.
There is a Romantic Cardinal couple that feeds at it....they are so sweet to each other the male is always carefully feeding the female...even though the feeder is large and she could do it herself...ohhhhhh

They are always together, sometimes he flies off but not for long...

Here they are together again...he is in front of her a bit...

I am going to name them...can you think of any tweet ideas for their names?

I hope to get some more pictures, not through my kitchen window,
but I just had to share how cute these two are!
Have a lovely day!


  1. Good Morning Olivia :) Your birdfeeder is fantastic!! And how nice to be able to look out your kitchen window and watch these "lovebirds" go about their lives :)

    Have a lovely day, warmest always, Brenda

  2. A sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm! You did it, you got the photos of that darling cardinal couple - how cute. How about Romeo and Juliet for names? The birdhouse is great -I saw it and loved it on your last post! Ciao, bella!

  3. Oh what a handsome couple they tweet~!~

  4. Cute!! I actually like the glass pictures as it gives them a mysterious romantic glow!!!

  5. I love it when I see Cardinals or other birdies in my garden or trees. Soo precious. Makes you think all things are right in the world.

    Love to you~Rebecca

  6. Lindos!!!
    Por aqui não temos destes pássaros, eu pelo menos não conheço.
    Amei a casinha, vou fazer igual
    visite meu blog também, vou ficar feliz
    Tina ( Sonhar e Realizar)

  7. Lovely post..they are such special beauties..! you are lucky! enjoy!!

  8. Name them tweet birds, card and cardinalina!!

  9. Hello Olivia, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Love your bird feeder, how precious these birds are. I just love all the little critters in this world! LOL Your porch and window are previous posts are beautiful!
    Blessings, Shirl
    SHirls Rose Cottage

  10. Oh, they do exist! What fun to watch!



Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia