Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scrolly Cottage Mirrors for under $5

Today I wanted to share with you some of my favorite shabby mirrors.
Note: (I got all of them for under $5!! Yup it's true)
My home is small and cozy, I love the way these antique mirrors reflect light and make my home
appear a little larger. 
Below is one of my favorites!
I shabbied it very carefully because it was so old.
 Sometimes I find a mirror and end up just using the frame.
This one I made a small collage of mirrors inside the scrolly mirror frame.
 I paint most of my mirrors.
I have to be patient to find them this cheap!
Trust me, there is an antique mirror at the flea market I am drooling over...tag...$50.
Anyhoo, hope you enjoyed the reflection!
I am sharing this with the fabulous...


  1. Olivia... I also love mirrors... I set mine also.. and place perfume bottles ect atop...

  2. Olivia, your mirrors and lamp shades are beautiful!

  3. That last mirror is to DIE for!! WOW! I also like how you used the frame of another to "hold" the 2 smaller ones.. so cute!

  4. Wow, only $5! I'll take the one in your last picture. Wish I could find a nice scrolly one like that on the cheap.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  5. I love mirrors and you have so many pretty ones! That is great that you got them so cheap too!!


  6. I "snag" those mirrors up at sales too! They are cheap I think because they are plastic, but don't look it! I spray paint mine and sell them!
    I think they look FAB!!!

  7. Love them all! The larger ones are amazing. Always enjoy visiting here, Olivia! Hope you are completely on the mend after your surgery!

  8. Hi Olivia Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share. I love, Love, LOVE these mirrors you scored and what a deal at 5 bucks. I can't believe it. Just beautiful, and so gorgeous on the wall.

    I really love the little ones inside the big one. That is priceless. I also adored the idea of using a doily over the lamp. Now that is just darling.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  9. Olivia, I'm your linky neighbor at Show & Tell Friday. I'm happy to find your beautiful blog. I'd say you are great at finding lovely, scrolly mirrors. These are each fabulous. ~ Sarah

  10. I always love to see what you have going on, Beautiful and a bargain


  11. Hi Olivia,
    LOve all your mirrors, great job on the paint the detailing! and what great deals!

  12. Hi Olivia!! Great finds and even greater prices on your lovely mirrors! I'm especially drooling over the one that has the ornate frame with the oval center mirror!!! You do a fantastic job of repainting them, too! Funny that you and I both posted about painted mirrors at the same time! See, we are both on the same wavelength!! :0)

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  13. So beautiful! I have to laugh though...I was glancing over the thumbnails at Show and Tell Friday and stopped on yours (not know it was yours!) and I immediately started thinking about you and how I needed to pay you a visit today...and surprise, it was your link I clicked on! We must be kindred spirits! All of your mirrors are so lovely! The very old one is exquisite! I have a big gold one in my garage at the moment (an ornate medicine cabinet!) I can't wait to give it the shabby treatment! I'm saving it for my new space at the shop...yes, I'm moving my space after 5 years! You have inspired me! I'll fill you in on the details soon! I hope you are doing well! Have a wonderful weekend, my sweet friend!

  14. Hi Olivia

    Just popping by to see what you've got going on. Love the shabby white mirrors and frames!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Olivia, what wonderful Mirrors you've found and such a pretty white finish! I can imagine these making good chalk boards too, I have a pretty vintage frame my Husband found, we painted it white and made it into a lovely chalk board. I'm a big mirror girl too. They're wonderful in a room, and your rooms are gorgeous from what I see. xxx

  16. PS, gonna follow you now, so I won't miss a thing.

  17. I love what mirrors do to a room...enlarging it, reflecting light. So romantic!
    Blessings & Hugs,

  18. Oh what pretty mirrors and frames Olivia! Love scrolly frames too- they are so perfectly romantic and pretty! Thanks for sharing your lovelies at FNF :)

  19. Beautiful collection, with nice details. Your blog is lovely.

  20. Amazing! They are gorgeous and omg what a bargain! You've done a wonderful job transforming them into beautiful treasures! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  21. Wow! Those are all gorgeous! Great finds!

  22. OMG, Olivia!! What a fabulous deal!!!!! And you made a super job with them!
    Thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave lovely words!

  23. Wow, you have had awesome luck, those are all gorgeous. Love the way you have painted/distressed them. If you ever feel you have too many and want to sell one or two....?

  24. Hello!
    Wow, so much liked to know your blog!
    Much success!
    I'm from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.
    Kisses and good week!

  25. You have such a beautiful talent! Love it! These mirrors are each o individual and gorgeous! Anne


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia