Monday, April 4, 2011

Painted White Dresser Makeover

Hello sweet friends!
I just cannot get enough of painted furniture!
Saturday I painted this shabby old desk white with green drawers.
 I found this vintage dresser at a garage sale for the bargain price of $5!
Yippee! I used regular old Wal-Mart flat white took 3 coats. I mixed up a special concoction of green for the drawers and then I brush painted the handles a light pink.
Due to the condition of the dresser I used sandpaper to heavily distress it after painting it white.
I found the perfect spot for this darling dresser underneath my shabby shutter shelf!
 I gave up my antique hoosier cabinet (went to my flea market booth) in exchange for the desk.
However, I kept this super cool enamel pitcher and bowl set!
Yummy! Antiques are just so fun!
I will be sharing this with Cielo at 
Have a beautiful blessed day!
Squishy Hugs,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. it never ceases to amaze me how one persons idea of trash...another person can turn into a treasure!!! 5 bucks...score!!!! u did an amazing it

  3. HI Olivia!!

    Thank you for visiting me and becoming a follower!
    I am glad you did because i love your blog to and am now following!
    I love the transformation of this desk!!
    Pamela xo

  4. Amazing job, it looks absolutely beautiful:-)
    Hugs, Biljana

  5. Hi Olivia!

    I found your blog through the House in the Roses blog. You have a beautiful space here! I love your beautiful transformations. I have done many of those myself and I know what it feels like to turn trash into a treasure! You go girl! I hope you will check out my blog because you and I love the same beautiful, shabby, rose-laden lovelies and I am so happy to find another kindred spirit that is around my age. I hope we can become friends!
    Thank you for sharing all of your lovely things with us. Blessing to you!
    Love Tammy

  6. Olivia- love your color choice on the desk. It looks perfect with the chair and shutter shelf. I would love to have this for a crafting area!
    Hugs- Tete

  7. Hi Olivia,
    I love the painted drawers and the touch of pink. Very pretty.


  8. Hi Olivia,
    Love your redesigned desk. It turned out wonderful. Isn't it addicting to paint furniture? I go in spells where I paint everything in sight. LOL Love it! Your colors are beautiful.

    Happy Painting and Creating,
    Hugs from Texas, Celestina Marie

  9. Hi Oliva, Thank You so much for stopping by today. I like the vintage shutters and your vignettes. Have a great Monday evening....Julian

  10. You have a lovely home. thanks for stopping by. I had a look at your bedroom, many similarities. very comfy, cozy.
    Au revoir

  11. What a lovely job you did in transforming this piece! Sweet!

  12. Dear Olivia ~ I absolutely LOVE the white with the green doors! The desk is GORGEOUS!

  13. You shabbied up your dresser pretty darn well Olivia. It is beautiful!!

  14. Olivia, I just love to see what you are up to. I love the green and think I will start using some in my transformations, it looks fabulous!!


  15. So pretty and from such humble beginnings.
    A really good makeover.
    I don't know if you can get Annie Sloans paints but if you can give them a go. No prep needed at all and they cover in one coat.

  16. Olivia,
    Isn't paint one of our bestest friends?! It changes everything! Great projects you've been working on...have fun!

  17. Hi Olivia - I seriously love the paint colors you chose to update that desk! Holy cow are a painting diva. I LOVE IT!

    Thanks for your sweet comment about my mag feature.

  18. That is a remarkable transformation. I do not think I would have seen the beauty it became if I had seen that before piece. I love painting white with an insert of a different color. I have 2 corner cabinets I am going to paint in white with a blue washed center panels. ~~Sherry~~

  19. Olivia,
    Another divine makeover!! Love the drawers!!


  20. That's a really beautiful one of the kind treasure! We're in the market for dressers and this has inspired me to think outside the box. Thanks! I'll be looking for those garage sales. :)

  21. I love what you did with that desk! Your painting and distressing is amazing. Love the green and pink mixed with the white,too.


  22. Wow what a great find!! Great colors!!
    I love your pink shutters!!!

  23. Hi Olivia:
    Amazing transformation considering the "before". What a bargain you got too!
    Visiting from WW

  24. how fabulous!! that really is awesome.

  25. Oh I just looooove this! I want to do it too. :) I am the girl who bought half of your booth yesterday in branson. I have most all of it hung and I am loving it!

  26. Wow! $5 bought you a little work and a LOT of fun!!! I LOVE how this turned out, especially with the drawers a different color!! HMMM, that would go awfully nice in MY home!!! :0)

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia