Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wandering Wall...
I have a funny little spot in the entryway of my kitchen. It is my wandering wall...wandering because, i am constantly placing furniture in front of the wall and the furniture takes off, usually into my booth. This darling little wall has also been the home of many little kids tables. You can imagine the amount of sticky fingers that have wandered over it. So, I painted the wall with a regular old antique white wal-mart semi- gloss and decided to move the blue picture from my living room and above it I placed a white tray frame that I remade...
 The white frame I shabbied and framed lace underneath, inside of the frame I hung my favorite antique leather gloves with an old skeleton key and dangling crystal...
The skeleton key, lace, crystal combination is one of my favorites...
I am working on a couple of little furniture projects sooooo.....stay tuned for what I might add to this darling little wandering wall...
 This week I am partying with my friends over at Faded Charm for White Wednesday
and Cielo for Show off your Cottage Monday
 Please take a moment and visit these darling sites! Some of my favorite friends are partying with them!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!


  1. Olivia, I love the tray. The lace, key and crystal combination is also a favorite of mine.

  2. Hi Olivia... Oh, the framed gloves and added pretties is gorgeous! You did a great job!

  3. Beautiful! Looks great don't let it wonder away.
    Happy WW


  4. Goodmorning! This is lovely - I think we all have spots that change over time due to children or just fancy.
    I like this look -inviting - hope it stays for a while.

  5. Hi Olivia! You did a great job, looks great and beautiful:)) Hugs, Biljana

  6. Sweet little vignette ~ love the floral!!

  7. Hi Olivia, I love what you did with the wall. What a great idea, so pretty. Love the glove, key and crystal.
    The Swedish Room

  8. Makes me want a wandering wall!! Very pretty the way you did it.

  9. What a very pretty piece Olivia...just love it!
    Happy day!

  10. Hello Olivia! The white tray on your wandering wall is so charming. It's very creative and pretty.
    I'm new to your blog, but I already love it. It's so cute. Love the rose design and the header picture. It feels like a place I would love to come back to.
    Have a wonderful weekend!


Hello Friend! Thank you so much for stopping by! I love to hear your thoughts! Hugs, Olivia