Saturday, October 4, 2014

Crafting brings me Peace

Hello my lovely friends!
I have been praying this morning on what blog post to share.
It comes to mind that I have been blessed with a poetic creative spirit and outlet!
This is a little corner in my home that I store my crafting supplies.
I threw it all together for a photo shoot I did for Casa Romantica Shabby Chic Magazine.
Trust me when I tell you, when I NEVER looks this good.
It's always a big mess with sparkles flying!!
I must tell you that "creating", "crafting" and "decorating" brings Peace to my spirit!
It heals the parts of me that are broken and gives me an outlet for my hopeful romantic spirit!
"The Lord blesses his people with Peace." Psalm 29:11
 I get ridiculously excited about vintage laces, trims, ribbons and florals!!!
I am beyond blessed and thankful for every day that I am able to create!
Happy creating my darlings!
Thank you for stopping by!

This week I am partying with 

Big squishy hugs and sparkles,