Monday, April 30, 2012

Shabby Chic Garden

Hello lovelies!
I must say it is going to be a lovely week!
Toward the end of my garage sale, I decided to move my shabby bike and fluff it up...

This is a little garden bed in front of my house.
I love the "cottage look" of a bike with overflowing flowers parked in the yard.
I have never really felt the full peace and joy, that gardening can bring until this year.
The lemon balm in front of my roses is growing like crazy, I cut it back and I am drying it to use in cooking.
My iris has also survived my "green thumb"!
It just tickles me to death that I have stuff "bloomin"!
I found this trellis in my neighbors "trash" pile...
I was not to proud to hop out and load it up...painted white, it is perfect!
Thank you for stopping by!
I will be joining 
