Monday, April 25, 2011

Marie Antoinette hanger and pink cupcake!

Let them eat cake and create Shabby hangers!
I love pretty hangers to display vintage linens and baby dresses!
  This wooden hanger got the Shabba Dabba Doo white paint job, 
then I printed and pasted this sweet picture of a young Marie Antoinette to the center.
Flowers and fluff to the top and waa laa, a pretty way to dress up any Shabby item!
Speaking of cake I am contemplating trying to create a faux pink cupcake.
I have watched a couple of tutorials and there are several different ways to make faux pink cupcakes.
I am wondering which is the easiest and most successful?~
 Speaking of easy I found these little pink cupcake party favors at Michael's for $1.
Deelish! Huh? The best part no calories!
Anyhoo, have a lovely and blessed day!
Thanks for stopping by my Shabby cottage!
I will be sharing this with...
Squishy Hugs,