Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hello Sweet Friends! 
Who can resist a lovebird especially a pair? 
A sweet thrifty find at .50 cents...
Last week I found the prettiest lacy trims...
I could not resist crafting up a couple more pretty Victorian Cones... I used lots of vintage bobbles and fluffed the top with a mix of scrap booking and vintage music paper...
  So dainty and sweet...

Make it Fabulous for Less Tip~ 
To fluff up any gift or craft use pretty scrap booking paper or pages from a vintage book. For the Victorian cones I used a mix of both. Just fold them accordian style and then cut in strips! So pretty and unique, works great in a pinch if you are out of tissue paper for a gift!
Mr. Romantic and I will be celebrating our Anniversary this week!
He is my Lovebird!
This week I am joining a new party with Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm!
Faded Charms White Wednesday
Have a lovely day!