Sunday, May 2, 2010

Romantic Shabby Chic Shade!
Hello! Hope your Sunday was filled with Joy and Lovliness!
I am going to share with you a lovely little treasure that I worked on over the weekend.
I have a weakness for lamps and linens! Of course most Shabby Chic lampshades and linenes are out of my price range. Yes, even Target is a little high for this thrifty girl...maybe someday!
So, I scour garage sales, thrift stores and flea markets for anything I can use to create the soft look of romance.
BEFORE picture (yellow dot is .50 sticker)
After a trip to the Shabby Chic Beauty Salon!
Darling look at me now! TAAAA DAAAA!
This is not the base this shade truly fits on (oh yippee, I get to look for a fitting lamp base)
I thought it turned out rather soft and dreamy~ I used a pretty little girls dress and trimmed it with lace!

I just love the romantic lace, it also hid my not so perfect crafting. Giggle~
Very dainty and pretty when lit up

I am excited to find a base for it...this one is a wee bit small and it wobbles around on the top so I would be constantly straighting it.
As always thank you for stopping by, your sweet comments delight me and keep me motivated to wave my Shabby Chic wand!