Thursday, March 22, 2018

Shabby Chic Pink Bathroom Tour~ Clean & Declutter KOMARI METHOD video

 Hello friends! 
It's that time of year again!~
Spring has sprung and I am getting into the "Spring Cleaning" decluttering mode!

I have been loosely following the 
for decluttering my home.

~Click here to join me as I clean and declutter my Shabby Chic pink bathroom!~

Here are some of my favorite
1.Imagine your dream space

2.As you declutter, hold each item and ask yourself..."Does this item spark JOY?"

3. Discard or donate items you do not need. Make sure each item has "home"

I usually don't decorate alot in my Bathroom but I could not resist creating a sweet little springtime vignette on top of my cabinet!~
One of my favorite things to decorate with are vintage plates!

I love this sweet Marie Antoinette style vintage picture I found at a flea market!~

Thank you so much for stopping by!
I hope your are inspired to do some spring cleaning and decluttering!
I hope you enjoyed my Shabby Chic Pink Bathroom room tour!~
