Thursday, February 22, 2018

5 Minute DIY Floral arrangement

 Hello friends and welcome back!
I am so excited to be creating beautiful spring treasures to add whimsy and color to my home!
I decided to create a fun 5 minute DIY Floral tutorial to share with you!
This beautiful floral is so fun and easy to create!~
*Soup can
*Floral foam
*2 1/2" ribbon
3 smaller 1" ribbons
Glue gun
Tiny satin roses & pearls

Here are the 5 Easy steps to creating your beautiful quick Spring floral!

Video instructions here~


1. Cut 2 1/2" ribbon the same size as your can. You will need to cut 2 pieces. Then Hot glue the larger ribbon on to the can

2. Add a huge dab of hot glue to the bottom and insert your floral foam

3.Add pretty florals into the foam. 

4. Next, gather all three ribbons together and tie a shoelace bow. After it is tied fluff out your bow and hot glue it to the top edge of your floral.

5. Finally, hot glue several pretty tiny satin roses and pearls to the center of your bow

How fun and easy is that?!
These are so great to use in any little space in your lovely home.
They also make an awesome budget friendly wedding/baby shower table accent!

Thank you so very much for stopping by sweet friends! 
Hop on over to my YouTube channel for your chance to win this gorgeous table floral!
To ENTER simply comment and Share the tutorial post!

Happy Crafting!~