Monday, May 17, 2010

A Hole in my Sole...
Hello Friends! Thank you for stopping by!
Sit down and take a moment....would you care for coffee or tea? I have something to share with you...

Rachel Ashwell posted this artist on her blog....a painting by Lisa Dirkes...

It made me think about the hole in my soul that I asked God to fill...

God filled the hole in my soul with his peace and love...
and then he brought me all of you wonderful new friends on my blog!
Saturday to my delight I recieved this beautiful package in the mail from Susan over at I won her darling giveaway!
It came wrapped in the most beautiful rose paper with all of these shabby rose treasures!
Ohhh La La...I instantly started fluffing and finding a home for all of these goodies...
I was so touched at her thoughtfullness...I was also inspired and made these cutie signs with some of the rose paper that sweet Susan packed my treasures in...

I never dreamed that I would find such sweet, lovely and inspiring people
through my little blog... but what a blessing it has been!
Thank you Susan for the pretty gifts...
Thank you for taking time to let me share my heart with you...
Thank you God for filling my teacup with such inspiration, beauty and friendship!
A sweet thank you to Lady Katherine  and
 Martha @ for partying through the week!
