Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shabfabulous Tray Makeover!
Before Picture~
 Mommy's little baby doll got in on the Shabby Tray Makeover~ We got paint all over us! She always wants to help me and 95% of the time I let her ! EEEK! Even our kitty ended up with paint on him. LOL I had to work fast to clean up her " globs" because she wanted to use "Mommy's big brush" and of course I let her~But honestly who could resist she is so cute and determined!
 Of course it wall all worth it in the end! It makes me want to be pampered so I can relax with some Romantic Country Magazines and be pampered!
I can imagine myself with a cup of Hot Cocoa and my favorite Magazine!
Pretty little vintage Girl Bell with a broken wing I got for free~ Makes me love her more!
 Well, as pretty as my tray turned out globs and all...I think it needs to make its way into my Flea Market booth~ MAYBE!~
Please stop back by for more inspiring Shabfabulous Makeovers!